There she was, our lady in red. Paulina stood surrounded by the warm, fall colors of the Native Garden in Independence Grove. Even with the beauty of Fall surrounding her, she stood out. She was happy. She was glowing. She was stunning! She was hugging her bump so close, we were surprised baby boy wasn’t kicking back from all the love. And then we turned to Alex, her husband, and said “Wow! That’s your wife! She is beautiful!” With the biggest smile on his face, he sighed and said, “Yes! She sure is!” And in that moment it felt like it was just the two of them there in the garden. Alex admiring Paulina and Paulina admiring her perfect baby bump! It was something that our blog post cannot do justice, no matter how hard we try. One of those, “you just had to be there moments.” And man, are we so honored to have been able to witness that moment and the love that they share.

Paulina and Alex have so much love for each other. And we know that this post is long overdue because as we are writing this their baby boy has been with them for 6 months already! But we were in awe of how much they loved him during their maternity session too. Their smiles never left their faces. Their eyes lit up when they looked at each other and at her belly. They had this ability to make each other giggle like we’ve never seen before while also showcasing the mature, serious side of their relationship. When we asked them to hug one another, they held each other close. The moment where Alex was admiring her sums up their relationship perfectly. These two just admire each other and it is very clear that they love the life they are building together. It’s so beautiful! 

Paulina and Alex, thank you! Thank you for letting us be a part of this beautiful moment in your lives together. We are kinda, sorta obsessed with you two and your perfect little family. We look back at your gallery and can’t help but smile because of how adorable you are together. We hope you cherish these photos forever and we cannot wait to show of baby boy’s newborn session too!